formerly white Dog reiki
Talahi [tall-ah-hee] is an Ojibwa word meaning To Stand Amongst The Oaks.
We translate this as reaching for your highest, divine self.
Our mission is to connect our clients with their own highest self and Divinity. We do this through healings like Life Activation, Ensofic Ray Healing, Reiki, sound healing and many classes. Through these activities we hope to bring light to our clients and the world so we may all live in peace. It would be our honor to serve you.
let's light up the world together!!!
We offer an array of services
to provide your life with
a calming and/or grounding
solution. You deserve to be
your highest self, and we will
help you find that path.
View Our Offerings
We provide classes designed to help each of our clients to reach their true highest self and divinity. These classes come from the ancient wisdom of Egypt, Tibet and many other deeply spiritual locations. We learned them from The Modern Mystery School, the only of the 7 mystery schools open to the public.
View Our Classes
Wellness is defined as the state
of being in good health, especially
as an actively pursued goal.
There are really four dimensions
of Wellness. Starting with Spiritual Wellness. Spiritual strength is that force that drives us to make sacrifices for others, our nation, and the greater good.
Start Your Wellness Journey
Welcome To Our Wellness Blog for your Mind, Body and Spirit
Our mission is to connect our clients with their own highest self and Divinity. We do this through healings like Life Activation, Ensofic Ray Healing, Reiki, sound healing as well as many classes. Through these activities we hope to bring light to our clients and the world that we may all live in peace. It would be our honor to serve you.